[characters mentioned in passing are marked (passim)]
Albert | Prince Consort of Queen Victoria of England
| real (passim) |
Armijo, Manuel | General and Mexican Governor of New Mexico prior to 1846
| real (passim) |
Anderson, Allen | Lieutenant, 5th Infantry, member of Canby's staff (USA)
| real |
Anthony, Scott J. | Captain, E Company, 1st CO Volunteers (USA)
| real |
Baird, Spruce M. (Judge) | Confederate sympathizer, resident of Albuquerque (civilian)
| real (passim) |
Baylor, John | Lieutenant-Colonel, 2nd TX Mounted Volunteers, captured Mesilla & Ft. Fillmore's garrison (CSA)
| real (passim) |
Bradford, James | Lieutenant, Light Company B, 4th TX Mounted Volunteers Artillery (CSA)
| real (passim) |
Breeden | Private, Company I, 1st CO Volunteers (USA)
| fictional |
Brian Boru | Irish King
| real (passim) |
Bristol, Charles H. | Private, F Company, 1st CO Volunteers (USA)
| real |
Buckholts, Charles B. | Captain, E Company., 4th TX Mounted Volunteers (CSA)
| real |
Budagher | Private, McRae's Battery (USA)
| fictional |
Cabeza de Baca, Doña | prominent citizen of Santa Fé (civilian)
| real (passim) |
Cabeza de Baca, Doña Isabel | daughter of Doña Cabeza de Baca (civilian)
| real |
Cameron, Simon | U.S. Secretary of War
| real (passim) |
Canby, Edward R.S. (Richard) | Major, 19th Infantry (later Lt. Colonel, then Brigadier General of Volunteers), became commander of Department of New Mexico (USA)
| real |
Canby, Louisa (Mrs. E.R.S Canby) | wife of E.R.S Canby
| real |
Carmen | see Vallé, Carmen
| |
Carson, Christopher ("Kit") | Famous scout, became Lt.-Colonel and then Colonel of 1st NM Volunteers (USA)
| real |
Cassady, Bill | Private, Company G, 1st CO Volunteers (USA)
| fictional |
Chapin, Gurden | Captain, 7th Infantry, later Canby's Assistant Adutant General (USA)
| real |
Chapin, Mrs. | wife of Captain Gurden Chapin
| real |
Chaves, Manuel ("El Leoncito") | Promenent New Mexican, became Lt.-Colonel of 2nd NM Volunteers (USA)
| real |
Chaves, Señora | wife of Manuel Chaves (civilian)
| real |
Chivington, John (The "Fighting Preacher") | Major, 1st CO Volunteers, commanded Camp Weld (USA)
| real |
Collins | Editor of Santa Fé Newspaper, volunteer scout (civilian)
| real (passim) |
Connelly, Dr. Henry | merchant, later Governor of New Mexico Territory (civilian)
| real |
Consuelo | citizen of Santa Fé, owner of a tavern (civilian)
| fictional (passim) |
Cook, Samuel H. | Captain, F Company, 1st CO Volunteers (USA)
| real |
Coopwood, Bethel | Captain, San Elizario Spy Company, Sibley's Brigade (CSA)
| real |
Crittenden, George B. | Lieutenant-Colonel, US Army, resigned and became Confederate general
| real (passim) |
Cummings, Joseph | fought a duel with John Phillips at Fort Marcy, June 15, 1861 (civilian)
| real |
Cutter | blacksmith in San Antonio (civilian)
| fictional |
D'Amours, Augustin P. | Lieutenant, member of Canby's staff (USA)
| real (passim) |
Denning, Luther | miner in Avery, later joins I Company, 1st CO Volunteers (USA)
| fictional |
Denning, Mary | wife of Luther Denning
| fictional (passim) |
Devon, Herbert | Relative of Charles Franklin's in Philadelphia (civilian)
| fictional |
Diaz, Juan Carlos | servant of the Canbys, husband of Maria (civilian)
| fictional |
Diaz, Maria | servant of the Canbys, wife of Juan Carlos (civilian)
| fictional |
Dodd, Theodore | Captain of Dodd's Independent Company of CO Volunteers (later B Company, 2nd Rgt) (USA)
| real |
Donaldson, James | Major, Quartermaster for Department of New Mexico (USA)
| real |
Dooney | taverner in Avery (civilian)
| fictional |
Dooney, Gerta ("The Dutch Songbird") | Mrs. Dooney (civilian)
| fictional |
Downing, Jacob | Captain, D Company, 1st CO Volunteers (USA)
| real |
DuBois, John V. | Lieutenant, US Army
| real (passim) |
Duffy | Private, I Company, 1st CO Volunteers (USA)
| fictional |
Duncan | miner in Avery, becomes Private, I Company, 1st CO Volunteers (USA)
| fictional |
Duncan, Thomas | Major, 3rd Cavalry (USA)
| real (passim) |
Dutro, Martin | Private, F Company, 1st CO Volunteers (USA)
| real (passim) |
Ewell, Richard S. | Captain, US Army, resigned and became Confederate general
| real |
Evans, Andrew W. | Captain, 3rd Cavalry (later 6th Cavalry), member of Canby's staff (USA)
| real (passim) |
Flannery | miner in Avery, later private in I Company, 1st CO Volunteers (USA)
| fictional |
Ford, James H. | Captain, Ford's Independent Company of CO Volunteers (later A Company, 2nd CO) (USA)
| real |
Franklin, Charles | joins I Company, 1st CO Volunteers, becomes Lieutenant (USA)
| fictional |
Frémont, John C. | General, Commanded Department of the West (USA)
| real (passim) |
Gardner, James W. | Captain, I Company, 7th TX Mounted Volunteers (CSA)
| real |
Garrison, A.F. | Captain, 4th NM Volunteers (USA)
| real (passim) |
Gibbs, Alfred | Captain, C Company, 3rd Cavalry, surrendered by Lynde with Ft. Fillmore's garrison (USA)
| real (passim) |
Gilpin, William | first Governor of Colorado Territory & founder of 1st CO Volunteers (civilian)
| real |
Graydon, James ("Paddy") | Captain of Graydon's Spy Company (USA)
| real |
Green, Tom | TX hero of the Mexican War, later Colonel, 5th TX Mounted Volunteers (CSA)
| real |
Halcomb, Harvey Private | 4th TX Mounted Volunteers (CSA)
| real (passim) |
Hall, Joseph ("Joe") | trader, later joins I Company, 1st CO Volunteers, becomes Lieutenant (USA)
| fictional |
Hall, Robert H. | Lieutenant, 3rd Cavalry, commanded artillery battery at Valverde (USA)
| real (passim) |
Halleck, Henry W. | Major General, replaced Frémont as Commander of Department of the West (USA)
| real (passim) |
Hambleton, Josiah | miner, became Captain, G Company, 1st CO Volunteers (USA)
| real |
Hampton, George J. | Captain, C Company, 4th TX Mounted Volunteers (CSA)
| real |
Hank | gambler at the Exchange Hotel (civilian)
| fictional |
Harrison, Charles ("Charley") | owner, Criterion Saloon (secessionist haunt in Denver City) (civilian)
| real |
Harrison, William H. | Captain, Chief Quartermaster, Sibley Brigade (CSA)
| real (passim) |
Hart, Simeon (Judge) | Prominent citizen of Franklin (El Paso), Confederate supporter (civilian)
| real |
Hatch | Captain, initial commander of McRae's Battery (USA)
| real (passim) |
Hayden, Mother Magdalen | Mother Superior, Convent of Loretto, Santa Fé (civilian)
| real (passim) |
Hollister, Ovando J. | Private, F Company, 1st CO Volunteers (USA)
| real |
Howell, William Randolph | Private in 5th TX Mounted Volunteers (CSA)
| real (passim) |
Howland, George W. | Lieutenant, then Captain, B Company, later commanded C Company, 3rd Cavalry (USA)
| real |
Howland, Laura | a young lady from Boston, recently moved to Santa Fé (civilian)
| fictional |
Howland, Wallace | Laura Howland's uncle (civilian)
| fictional |
Ingraham, Charles H. | Captain, H Company, 7th Infantry (USA)
| real (passim) |
Jimmy | gambler at the Exchange Hotel (civilian)
| fictional |
Johnson | Rancher, owned ranch at Cañoncito, west of Glorieta Pass (civilian)
| real (passim) |
José | clerk at Exchange Hotel (civilian)
| fictional |
Josephy, Adam | infant son of Lt. and Mrs. Josephy (civilian)
| fictional |
Josephy, Lt. | an officer under Colonel Canby (USA)
| fictional (passim) |
Josephy, Mrs. | wife of Lt. Josephy, an acquaintance of Mrs. Canby
| fictional |
Juan Carlos | see Diaz, Juan Carlos
| |
Justine | Charles Franklin's sister (civilian)
| fictional (passim) |
Kavanaugh, F.E. (Dr.) | Confederate sympathizer, captured US supplies at Cubero, joined Santa Fé Brigands (CSA)
| real (passim) |
Kearney, Stephen | General, led peaceful capture of New Mexico in 1846 (USA)
| real (passim) |
Keeler, Mrs. | dinner guest of Governor Connelly in Las Vegas (civilian)
| fictional |
Keller | quartermaster's clerk, Sibley Brigade (CSA)
| fictional |
Kimmick | Private, I Company, 1st CO Volunteers (USA)
| fictional |
Kozlowski, Martin | owner of Kozlowski's ranch, stage stop east of Glorieta Pass (civilian)
| real |
Krantz | Private, I Company, 1st CO Volunteers (USA)
| fictional (passim) |
Krohn, Mr. | passenger on stagecoach with the Howlands (civilian)
| fictional |
Lane, Ellsberry | Lieutenant, 4th TX Mounted Volunteers, served as Adjutant (CSA)
| real |
Lane, Lydia | wife of Captain William B. Lane, US Army
| real |
Lane, William B. | Captain (USA)
| real (passim) |
Lewis, W.H | Captain, 5th Infantry (USA)
| real |
Lincoln, Abraham | President, United States of America
| real (passim) |
Lockridge, Samuel A. | Major, 5th TX Mounted Volunteers (CSA)
| real |
Logan, Samuel | became Captain, B Company, 1st CO Volunteers (USA)
| real |
Longstreet, James | Major, US Army, resigned and became Confederate general
| real (passim) |
Lopez | proprietor of a wineshop in Santa Feacute; (civilian)
| fictional |
Lord, Richard S.C. | Captain, D Company, 1st Cavalry (USA)
| real (passim) |
Loring, William Wing | US Army Colonel who resigned and became a Confederate general
| real (passim) |
Lupe | maidservant at Exchange Hotel
| fictional |
Lynde, Isaac | Major, 7th Infantry; Commanded Fort Fillmore (USA)
| real (passim) |
McClellan, George B. | General, Commander of Union Army of the Potomac (USA)
| real (passim) |
McCraw | Private, I Company, 1st CO Volunteers (USA)
| fictional |
McGuire | Fiddler, Private, I Company, 1st CO Volunteers (USA)
| fictional |
McIntyre, Lacey | Lieutenant, G Company, 5th Infantry, member of Canby's staff (USA)
| fictional |
McKee, James | Captain, led would-be deserters to TX from Denver, was caught and jailed (civilian)
| real (passim) |
McRae, Alexander | Lieutenant, Mounted Rifles, later Captain, 3rd Cavalry, commanded artillery battery at Valverde (USA)
| real |
Madison, George T. | Lieutenant, Santa Fé Brigands (CSA)
| real |
Manny | servant of the Josephys
| fictional (passim) |
Maria | see Diaz, Maria
| |
Marion, Charles P. | Captain, K Company, 1st CO Volunteers (USA)
| real |
Marshall, W.F. | Lieutenant, F Company, 1st CO Volunteers (USA)
| real (passim) |
Martin, Stephen | Captain, quartermaster of 4th TX Mounted Volunteers (CSA)
| fictional |
Martinez, Padre | priest in Las Cruces (civilian)
| fictional |
Mason & Slidell | two Confederate ambassadors to England, intercepted and imprisoned by US Navy
| real (passim) |
Maxwell, Lucien | NM rancher & Union sympathizer (civilian)
| real (passim) |
May, Aunt | Jamie Russell's aunt (Mrs. Russell's sister)
| fictional (passim) |
Morris | miner in Avery, later joins I Company, 1st CO Volunteers (USA)
| fictional |
Murphy, George | partner, Wallingford & Murphy's Mercantile, Denver City (civilian)
| real |
Nelson, George | Lieutenant, F Company, 1st CO Volunteers (USA)
| real |
Nicodemus, William | Lieutenant, 11th Infantry, (later Captain, 12th Infantry), member of Canby's staff (USA)
| real |
Nunn, David A. | Captain, I Company, 4th TX Mounted Volunteers (CSA)
| real |
O'Brien, Alastar ("Red") | miner in Avery, joins 1st CO Volunteers (USA)
| fictional |
O'Connor | Private, I Company, 1st CO Volunteers (USA)
| fictional |
Oñate, Juan de | Spanish explorer of New Mexico
| real (passim) |
Ortiz, Señor | shepherd, acquaintance of Wallace Howland (civilian)
| fictional |
Owens, Val | Lieutenant, US Army, resigned and became captain in Sibley Brigade (CSA)
| fictional |
Parker | owner, Exchange Hotel, Santa Fé (civilian)
| real |
Paul, Gabriel | Colonel, 4th NM Volunteers, Commanded Fort Union (USA)
| real (passim) |
Peters | Private, I Company, 1st CO Volunteers (USA)
| fictional (passim) |
Peticolas, Alfred B. | Sergeant, 4th TX Mounted Volunteers (CSA)
| real (passim) |
Phillips, John | clerk at Exchange Hotel; later captain of Confederate spy company "Santa Fé Brigands"
| real |
Pino, Miguel E. | Colonel, 2nd NM Volunteers (USA)
| real (passim) |
Pyron, Charles L. | Captain, 2nd TX Mounted Volunteers, promoted to Major, Baylor's Battalion (CSA)
| real |
Raguet, Henry W. | Major, 4th TX Mounted Volunteers (CSA)
| real | Reily, James | Colonel, 4th TX Mounted Volunteers
| real |
Ramsey, Hugh | Sergeant, I Company, 1st CO Volunteers (USA)
| fictional |
Reily, James | Colonel, 4th TX Mounted Volunteers (CSA)
| real |
Reily, John | Lieutenant, commanded artillery w/4th TX Mounted Volunteers (son of Colonel Reily) (CSA)
| real |
Robbins, Samuel | became Captain, K Company, 1st CO Volunteers (USA)
| real (passim) |
Roberts, Benjamin S | Lt.-Colonel, Army, commanded Fort Stanton; later Colonel, 5th NM Volunteers (USA)
| real |
Rose, Volney J. | Quartermaster Sergeant, 4th TX Mounted Volunteers (CSA)
| real |
Royce | gambler at the Exchange Hotel (civilian)
| fictional |
Russell, Daniel ("Dan") | eldest son of Earl and Eva Russell
| fictional |
Russell, Earl ("Poppa") | rancher near San Antonio, Texas (civilian)
| fictional |
Russell, Eva ("Momma") | wife of Earl Russell (civilian)
| fictional |
Russell, Emmaline ("Emma") | daughter of Earl and Eva Russell
| fictional |
Russell, Gabriel ("Gabe") | youngest son of Earl and Eva Russell
| fictional |
Russell, James ("Jamie") | son of Earl and Eva Russell, mercantile clerk, joins Sibley Brigade (CSA)
| fictional |
Russell, Matthew ("Matt," "Matty") | son of Earl and Eva Russell
| fictional |
Russell, Susan | eldest daughter of Earl and Eva Russell
| fictional (passim) |
Ryan | Private, I Company, 1st CO Volunteers (USA)
| fictional |
St.Vrain, Cerain | Colonel, 1st NM Volunteer Infantry (USA)
| real (passim) |
Sanborn, George L. | Captain, H Company, 1st CO Volunteers (USA)
| real |
Scarborough, Andrew J. | Captain, B Company, 4th TX Mounted Volunteers (CSA)
| real (passim) |
Scurry, William R. | Lt. Colonel, 4th TX Mounted Volunteers (CSA)
| real |
Selden, Henry R. | Captain (USA)
| real |
Seligman Brothers | Santa Fé merchants (civilians)
| real (passim) |
Sena, José | Prominent citizen of Santa Fé; Captain in the Union army (USA)
| real (passim) |
Shanks, Charles A. | Corporal, 2nd TX Mounted Rifles (CSA)
| real (passim) |
Shaunessy, Egan | miner in Avery, later joins I Company, 1st CO Volunteers (USA)
| fictional |
Shoemaker, William R. | Captain, later Quartermaster (USA)
| real (passim) |
Shoup, George | Lieutenant, 1st CO Volunteers, Aide-de-camp to Major John Chivington (USA)
| real |
Shropshire, John S. ("Shrop") | Captain, A Company (later Major), 5th TX Mounted Volunteers (CSA)
| real |
Sibley, Henry Hopkins | Confederate general commanding the army that invaded New Mexico (resigned US Army May 1861)
| real |
Slidell | see Mason & Slidell
| |
Slough, John P. | Colonel, First CO Volunteers (USA)
| real |
Snodgrass | second to Phillips in duel at Fort Marcy (civilian)
| fictional |
Smith, Caleb B. | US Secretary of the Interior
| real (passim) |
Southworth, Malek A. | Surgeon, 4th TX Mounted Volunteers (CSA)
| real |
Spiegelberg | Santa Fé merchant (civilian)
| real |
Stanton, Mrs. | Elizabeth Cady Stanton, women's rights activist
| real (passim) |
Stapleton, Robert H. | Owner of trading post near Socorro, became Captain of NM Volunteers (USA)
| real (passim) |
Sumowski | Post sutler at Fort Craig (civilian)
| real (passim) |
Tappan, Samuel | Captain, B Company, later Lieutenant-Colonel, First CO Volunteers (USA)
| real |
Teel, Trevanion T. | Captain, Light Company B, 4th TX Mounted Volunteers Artillery (CSA)
| real (passim) |
Terry, Benjamin F. | Colonel, commander of Terry's Texas Rangers (8th TX Cavalry) (CSA)
| real (passim) |
Thatcher, William H. | Member of Santa Fé Brigands (CSA)
| real |
Twiggs, David E. | General, surrendered US depots in Texas to the Confederacy (USA)
| real (passim) |
Vallé, Alexandre ("Pigeon") | owner of Pigeon's Ranch, stage stop located in La Glorieta Pass (civilian)
| real |
Vallé, Carmen | wife of Alexandre Vallé (civilian)
| real |
Webber, Mr. | owner of a general store in San Antonio (civilian)
| fictional |
Webber, Mrs. | wife of Mr. Webber (civilian)
| fictional |
Wheeler, Joseph | Lieutenant, US Army, resigned and became Confederate general
| real |
Wilcox, Cadmus M. | Captain, US Army, resigned and became Confederate general
| real (passim) |
Williams, Ellen | wife of soldier and company laundress, Ford's Independent Company of CO Volunteers (civilian)
| real |
Wingate, Benjamin | Captain, D Company 5th Infantry (USA)
| real (passim) |
Wyncoop, Edward W. | Captain, A Company, 1st CO Volunteers (USA)
| real |
Vic | gambler at the Exchange Hotel (civilian)
| fictional |
Victoria | Queen of England
| real (passim) |