Q: What are you working on now?
PGN: I am taking a break from the Civil War to write other things. I do have plans for more books, so check back for news.
Q: When will your books be made into movies?
PGN: Know any Hollywood producers?
Seriously, the process of choosing books to make into movies or television shows takes place in the film industry, and is largely out of the hands of those who write the source material. I’d be delighted to have my books made into movies, and I’ll be sure to announce on the website any Hollywood deals that come my way.
Q: Will there be another book featuring Lacey McIntyre? Another featuring Kip Whistler?
PGN: Nothing has been scheduled, but I do have ideas for stories featuring Lacey and Kip.
Q: How can I visit the Valverde and Glorieta Battlefields?
PGN: Valverde is unfortunately not accessible; the land is privately owned. There is also nothing to see, as the battle was fought over a ford that has since flooded repeatedly. I recommend a visit to nearby Fort Craig, which has excellent interpretive signs for a self-guided tour and is well cared for by the Bureau of Land Management. Access to the Fort Craig ruins is from Interstate 25 south of Socorro, New Mexico. Be advised that the fort is reached by driving about 5 miles of gravel road, which can become slick and muddy in wet weather.
Glorieta Battlefield is part of Pecos National Historical Park, and lies east of Santa Fe on NM Highway 50. There is now a battlefield walking trail with interpretive signs, and also a guided tour by van (currently running on Saturday afternoons). For more information or to schedule a tour call the park (505-757-6414 extension 1) or visit the PNHP website.
Q: What happened to the guns the Confederates buried in New Mexico?
PGN: The guns buried in Albuquerque were 12-lb mountain howitzers that Sibley’s Brigade had brought with them from Texas. Major Teel returned years later and had them dug up. One is on display in the Albuquerque Museum, one in the Colorado History Museum in Denver, and I believe the others went to Texas. There are also two replicas of the mountain howitzers on the Albuquerque Old Town Plaza.
The Texans buried more guns in several places along the retreat through the Magdalena and San Mateo Mountains, but never the “trophy guns” of the Valverde Battery–those guns the Texans were determined to carry home, since they were all they had to show for their efforts in New Mexico.
Q: Can you help me with my writing project?
PGN: No, but here are my three favorite tips:
1. Write. Nothing will happen unless you sit down and start working.
2. Learn to throw away the garbage in what you have written. Not all will be garbage, but a lot will, especially at first. Writing is like any art form–it takes a lot of practice to become proficient.
3. Meet other writers in your area. Writers work in solitude, so a support system is essential. Join or form a critique group, or just connect over coffee with other writers to share news and ideas.
There are some excellent writers’ resources on the web. Links to a few of my favorites are on this page of resources For Writers.
Q: I live in New Mexico. What local writer’s resources are available to me?
PGN: SouthWest Writers is an excellent organization for writers in New Mexico and throughout the Southwest. Their annual conference is a great opportunity to meet and learn from writers and other publishing industry professionals.